apprendista Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Autore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 ede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ [sudo] password di fede: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:D5bjAlmEmtpN9eGZ0VqnI+VtFsB3L6yXc3Sbtpx2HI0. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: mks@ Permission denied (publickey,password). fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo apt ssh mks@ This is the Linux Mint "apt" command. This commands acts as a wrapper for the APT package manager and many other useful tools such as apt-get, apt-cache, apt-mark, dpkg, aptitude...etc. It is installed in /usr/local/bin/apt. To use the upstream apt command directly type /usr/bin/apt. Usage: apt command [options] apt help command [options] Commands: add-repository - Add entries to apt sources.list autoclean - Erase cache for packages no longer available autopurge - Erase system-wide config files left by removed packages autoremove - Remove dependency packages no longer required build - Build binary or source packages from sources build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages changelog - View a package's changelog check - Verify there are no broken dependencies clean - Erase downloaded archive files contains - List packages containing a file content - List files contained in and installed by a package(s) deb - Install a local .deb package depends - Show package dependency information dist-upgrade - Fully upgrade the system by allowing other package changes download - Download packages to the current working directory edit-sources - Edit /etc/apt/sources.list with your preferred text editor dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections full-upgrade - Same as 'dist-upgrade' held - List all held packages help - Show help for a command hold - Hold a package install - Install and/or upgrade packages list - List packages handled by the system (e.g., installed) policy - Show policy settings purge - Remove packages and their system-wide configuration files recommends - List missing recommended packages for a particular package rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package reinstall - Reinstall packages or install if not yet installed remove - Remove packages search - Search for a package by name and/or expression show - Display detailed information about a package showhold - Same as 'held' showsrc - Display source package records matching the given package source - Download source archives sources - Same as 'edit-sources' unhold - Unhold a package update - Download lists of new/upgradable packages upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade version - Show the installed version of a package fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: ede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ [sudo] password di fede: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:D5bjAlmEmtpN9eGZ0VqnI+VtFsB3L6yXc3Sbtpx2HI0. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: mks@ Permission denied (publickey,password). fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo apt ssh mks@ This is the Linux Mint "apt" command. This commands acts as a wrapper for the APT package manager and many other useful tools such as apt-get, apt-cache, apt-mark, dpkg, aptitude...etc. It is installed in /usr/local/bin/apt. To use the upstream apt command directly type /usr/bin/apt. Usage: apt command [options] apt help command [options] Commands: add-repository - Add entries to apt sources.list autoclean - Erase cache for packages no longer available autopurge - Erase system-wide config files left by removed packages autoremove - Remove dependency packages no longer required build - Build binary or source packages from sources build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages changelog - View a package's changelog check - Verify there are no broken dependencies clean - Erase downloaded archive files contains - List packages containing a file content - List files contained in and installed by a package(s) deb - Install a local .deb package depends - Show package dependency information dist-upgrade - Fully upgrade the system by allowing other package changes download - Download packages to the current working directory edit-sources - Edit /etc/apt/sources.list with your preferred text editor dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections full-upgrade - Same as 'dist-upgrade' held - List all held packages help - Show help for a command hold - Hold a package install - Install and/or upgrade packages list - List packages handled by the system (e.g., installed) policy - Show policy settings purge - Remove packages and their system-wide configuration files recommends - List missing recommended packages for a particular package rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package reinstall - Reinstall packages or install if not yet installed remove - Remove packages search - Search for a package by name and/or expression show - Display detailed information about a package showhold - Same as 'held' showsrc - Display source package records matching the given package source - Download source archives sources - Same as 'edit-sources' unhold - Unhold a package update - Download lists of new/upgradable packages upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade version - Show the installed version of a package fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: -MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ [sudo] password di fede: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:D5bjAlmEmtpN9eGZ0VqnI+VtFsB3L6yXc3Sbtpx2HI0. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: mks@ Permission denied (publickey,password). fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo apt ssh mks@ This is the Linux Mint "apt" command. This commands acts as a wrapper for the APT package manager and many other useful tools such as apt-get, apt-cache, apt-mark, dpkg, aptitude...etc. It is installed in /usr/local/bin/apt. To use the upstream apt command directly type /usr/bin/apt. Usage: apt command [options] apt help command [options] Commands: add-repository - Add entries to apt sources.list autoclean - Erase cache for packages no longer available autopurge - Erase system-wide config files left by removed packages autoremove - Remove dependency packages no longer required build - Build binary or source packages from sources build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages changelog - View a package's changelog check - Verify there are no broken dependencies clean - Erase downloaded archive files contains - List packages containing a file content - List files contained in and installed by a package(s) deb - Install a local .deb package depends - Show package dependency information dist-upgrade - Fully upgrade the system by allowing other package changes download - Download packages to the current working directory edit-sources - Edit /etc/apt/sources.list with your preferred text editor dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections full-upgrade - Same as 'dist-upgrade' held - List all held packages help - Show help for a command hold - Hold a package install - Install and/or upgrade packages list - List packages handled by the system (e.g., installed) policy - Show policy settings purge - Remove packages and their system-wide configuration files recommends - List missing recommended packages for a particular package rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package reinstall - Reinstall packages or install if not yet installed remove - Remove packages search - Search for a package by name and/or expression show - Display detailed information about a package showhold - Same as 'held' showsrc - Display source package records matching the given package source - Download source archives sources - Same as 'edit-sources' unhold - Unhold a package update - Download lists of new/upgradable packages upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade version - Show the installed version of a package fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Connection closed by port 22 fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ sudo ssh mks@ mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: Permission denied, please try again. mks@'s password: mks@ Permission denied (publickey,password). fede@fede-MSI-NOTEBOOK-CR610:~$ messe tutte le passwoerd possibili, inizialmente mi aveva dato : sudo] password di fede: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:D5bjAlmEmtpN9eGZ0VqnI+VtFsB3L6yXc3Sbtpx2HI0. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Cita
Offshore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 mica stai scrivendo la password in maiuscolo?? è tutto minuscolo viene altro dubbio... ma hai scaricato la versione sovolized???? quando la hai installata sulla emmc?? io farei una cosa per non saper leggere e scrivere..... riinizierei tutto da capo!!!! salvati per prima il file printer.cfg e tienilo sacro da parte......vai sul mio google drive, troverai l'immagine del sistema che ho usato io..... reinstalla sulla emmc, ed una volta che fai la connessione con mainsail ci metti nella sezione macchina il printer.cfg che ti sei salvato.... non vorrei che non ti sei accorto quando hai installato la prima volta la richiesta di qualche password (non hai installato la stessa versione di quello che ho io) ed ora ha generato una password che non troverai mai..... scarica questa versione..... Cita
apprendista Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Autore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 riprovo , se non sbaglio avevo scaricato il tuo ma riprovo Google Drive ha rilevato problemi relativi al tuo download Questo file è troppo grande per la scansione antivirus di Google. Questo file è un eseguibile e può danneggiare il computer. sovolized-03-numpy.img (7,3G) e' questo ? Cita
Offshore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 normale scarica!!!!! salvalo e masterizza la emmc!!! Cita
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Offshore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 questo è il firmware della stampante: prima reinstalla il sistema sulla emmc... poi vediamo se è necessario installare anche il firmware... potrebbe essere di si.... Cita
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apprendista Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 Autore Inviato 17 Maggio 2024 scaricato È normale che quando vado a prendere il bin per flesciare con balena da questo messaggio ? Cita
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