SIGMARILION Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 I have a sharebot ng as it left the factory, I bought it from a person who bought it and I never use it, max 3 hours of use, it has two extruders Due to personal, labor and economic problems, she cannot use it and learn from it, but in one of the moves and unfortunately from this pandemic I have been able to pay more attention to her, but what is my problem, after the move to my new apartment, the printer doesn't work I decide to take her to a printer site that tells me they can repair my problems: - Poorly calibrated bed - Don't heat the nozzle and I can't print (I think it's a bulb or thermistor) - Request to put the same marlin to my board but with the possibility of Spanish that is in the laguage.h file and I will not compile all the files from github to arduino to configure the marlin correctly ( I don't know how to change the language file and then compile it with arduino and put it in the rumba) - Remove the ghostering that I get when printing test cube with letters x y z and they do the following: - regulation of bed and change of springs because they were not very reliable - change of marlin on my printer (in a first attempt the usb breaks and I have to buy a new rumba) I go to 2.5 because they tell me that it is better because it has improvements, you can put bltouch, autolevel bed adjustment, layer fan to a better bowden, and a thousand more nonsense that I don't know if they were necessary. - adjustment of belts and extruders - they recommend me to print pipes for layer fans of thingiverse (the plane because the other one hits the lcd) It tells me that it is fine, only that it has two problems: - sometimes when printing it does not auto home and you have to restart the printing and the printer doing reset eprom - could not remove the ghostering because the machine is very powerful and the solution is to print much slower I take it home and my surprise is the following: I can't print the layer fan pipes because they don't glue the different layers ( tried to generate gcode with cura at 70mm and 35mm speed with supports and same procedure with slic3r with the official sharebot profile ) I try to print the xyz cube and it is impossible I try to print the sharebot_filament_glider with supports ( tried to generate gcode with cura at 70mm and 35mm speed with supports and same procedure with slic3r with the official sharebot profile ) it does not print well even makes layers in the air I try to print a marvin to try to complete it and see ghostering and I get an amorphous doll with many flaws and not well finished from layer to layer I have read in this forum that YOU have it in the same marling 2.5 as I have seen photos on the screen and I wonder if YOU can help me before I lose everything and sell it for a miserable money so that I can remove from the hands as soon as possible. P.S. sharebot's technical and support service asked a thousand times and with a thousand emails they have never answered me I thank you in advance for all the help you can give me because I am desperate I just want to print things and enjoy and be happy forget to tell you LEO I'm not in a hurry because nothing is going, enjoy your vacation Cita
lan Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 Hi @SIGMARILION Now I've better understand, and I think that you have spent some money for nothing. Are you able to connect to your printer using a usb cable? If yes, I can try to provide to you the fimware version for the dual extruder. But is mandatory that you are able to: 1) Install arduino software 2) learn the basic arduino software configuration that permit you to load, compile and sent the firmware to the printer (normally one click). 3) drink a good beer and try it - only if you are > 18 years! - . A good help is to ask to your supplayer to provide the configuration file that they have used to configure your printer. Probably I can read your answer next week. Leo 1 Cita
SIGMARILION Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 Inviato 21 Luglio 2020 hi LEO I can connect without any problem to the printer via usb 1) the latest version for win 10 64 bits is installed and cura lattest version and slic3r with sharebot ng 2 extruder perfil 2) that's my problem I know that with the .ino file you can do everything but I don't know how to send it to the rumba without breaking everything 😞 3) 18 + 23 years old? can i take one 4) tomorrow he will send me by mail what I use for the new marlin that he got, if he sends me his email privately I will send him a copy thanks for everything we will read next week Cita
lan Inviato 10 Agosto 2020 Inviato 10 Agosto 2020 Hi @SIGMARILION back on line. I hope that you have drink at least a beer 😉 BTW I've waiting for the following mail. Il 21/7/2020 at 19:37, SIGMARILION dice: 4) tomorrow he will send me by mail what I use for the new marlin that he got, if he sends me his email privately I will send him a copy If you want you can use my configuration file changing something for example for the bed size. You must download the marlin firmware "" changing the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files with the file that I've provided and change some parameter to adapt to a dual extruder printer. I've checked the original file and I think that you MUST: verify the board (RUMBA?) , the board number was 80 in original configuration, now is different. change the #define EXTRUDERS 1 from 1 to 2 change the bed size: #if EXTRUDERS == 2 #define X_MAX_POS 230 #define X_MIN_POS 0 #define Y_MAX_POS 200 #define Y_MIN_POS 0 #define Z_MAX_POS 210 #define Z_MIN_POS 0 change the temp_sensor_2 from 0 to 1 #if EXTRUDERS == 2 #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 1 Obviously I haven't a dual extruder printer, and I can't grant to you that all work fine. Now you can open the .ino and try to compile with arduino ide, if this run fine you can try do compile and download the new firmware using a standard usb cable. Than you can try to move to home the printer, if something go wrong during homing you must switch off or reset the printer. Let me know if you are ready to test it. Leo Cita
SIGMARILION Inviato 10 Agosto 2020 Inviato 10 Agosto 2020 Hi Leon , send me a private message for send you my rom thanks for help 1 Cita
lan Inviato 19 Ottobre 2020 Inviato 19 Ottobre 2020 Ciao @22microfarad Leggo solo ora... sono stato un poco occupato. Che ti succede??!! Cita
Marco B. Inviato 20 Ottobre 2020 Inviato 20 Ottobre 2020 Il 28/9/2020 at 13:58, 22microfarad dice: Salve a tutti, piacere di conoscervi sono Mario da Caserta e complimenti per questa bella discussione. Sono un insoddisfatto possessore di sharebot NG che ho acquistato usata con estrusore completo nuovo. In circa 3 mesi non è riuscita a darmi nessuna gioia, premetto che ho altre stampanti che lavorano notte e giorno, meno costose e decisamente meno problematiche. Se c'è qualcuno disposto a darmi un po' di supporto glie ne sarei grato. Grazie e buona giornata a tutti Ciao Mario , hai dato un occhio ai post precedenti di questo topic , forse trovi qualche spunto. In alternativa esponi i problemi che riscontri. Cita
Daniele.ruzza Inviato 23 Gennaio 2021 Inviato 23 Gennaio 2021 Salvea tutti mi è stata regalata una Sharebot ng vorrei collegarmi per aggiornare il firmware ma non conosco questa porta qualcuno sa come si chiamao o dove trovare il cavo Grazie Daniele Cita
lan Inviato 23 Gennaio 2021 Inviato 23 Gennaio 2021 Ciao, @Daniele.ruzza è una normalissima porta mini USB che puoi trovare ovunque. Per aggiornare il firmware non serve smontare la scheda ma hai un buco anteriore che ti permette di collegare quasi tutti i cavi di questo tipo. Alcune volte gli spinotti sono un poco "cicci" e non entrano. Se ti può interessare qui ci sono i firmware che sto usando. Leo Cita
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