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  1. Preview issue? I set 50% fan for 6th layer in S3D, it's correct in g-code. But in ZTool preview, the fan start from "Layer 4/15" (5th layer, 0 is the 1st layer, total 16 layers)
  2. Actually my computer have some problem, can't run 1.6.x, so I didn't test 1.6.x. Z-Suite is very weak and too many limitation, I do more S3D and Ztool test recently, it's very powerful, especially editing g-code can make everything, I really enjoy it, so I think good convert function is more useful and important.
  3. All versions have been fixed. Thanks for your great work, beef.
  4. OK. Second have been fixed. 1.3.0.zcode 1.8.0.zcode
  5. Sorry for my bad English expression. I didn't set to 0%, I set to 100%, same fpf, but different version zcode result differently. fpf only 3 statement: V1.5.0.2&previous version zcode after load: V. & V1.8 zcode after load, only last 3 layers, and drop to 0%. V1.9&V1.10 zcode after load, perfect.
  6. After test, I find this problem happen to Z-Suite v1.5 and previous version. V. & V1.8 have a minor bug, the fan only last 3 layers, and drop to 0%. This is V1.8.0 original fan, I'm not sure it's Z-Suite or Ztool problem. V1.9&V1.10, haven't find any problem.
  7. I have problem with Load Fan Profile, always set 0% from start to end, even I don't edit the original fpf. I'm using 1.0.3b. I save again after load, no <layer>,<fan percentage> statement.
  8. OMG! Genius!
  9. The fan affect extrusion a lot in my case, sometimes fan changing will make obvious under or over extrusion, I print a lot, so I tested every version of Z-suite for one file, select the best zcode and then print again and again, I believe the old version zcode can be better if I can adjust the fan. But never mind, I decide to use S3D and Ztool, it's the ultimate solution. Thank you!
  10. Sometimes Z-Suite set fan inappropriately, so I think <layer>,percentage or <z-height>,percentage fan setting is enough and great for now. I download Zortrax m200_3_0.fff and find Z Axis Movement Speed is 8000 mm/min, is it M200 feature or I need to change it?
  11. Awesome software! Hope to add fan setting, that will be great.
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