Che slicer usi? A me lo faceva con cura e ho corretto il gstart con questo e ora va una meraviglia:
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G1 Z1 F1000 ;move up slightly
G1 Y60.0 Z0 E9.0 F1000.0;intro line
G1 Y100.0 E21.5 F1000.0 ;continue line
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F80
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing...
; -- end of START GCODE --